Friday, September 26, 2014

'Big Brother 16': Cody on Finale Decision, Why He Came Up Short - Hollywood Reporter

Was one of the biggest Big Brother mistakes made onfinale night?
Cody Calafiore, the 23-year-old ex-soccer player/sales associate from New Jersey, won the final Head of Household competition, giving him the power to choose whom he sat next to in the Final 2: his fellow Hitman, Derrick Levasseur, or Victoria Rafaeli. Instead of making a big splash, Calafiore remained loyal to his Hitmen alliance, choosing to take Levasseur — who would go on to win the $500,000 in a 7-2 vote — a move Calafiore later said was a decision he was more comfortable living with.
Following Wednesday's finale, Calafiore, winner of $50,000, spoke to The Hollywood Reporter about whether he regrets taking Derrick to the Final 2, his controversial "flirtmance" with Christine and being blindsided by Team America and Derrick's secret.
When The Hitmen formed on Day 2, the plan was to make it to the Final 2. Did you think at the time that both you and Derrick would make it to the end?
When we linked up on Day 2, it seemed so cool to be part of something like that watching the show and being a fan of it and being linked up into something that we had linked a name to because we had lasted a couple of weeks. As we got to the middle of the season, we were like, Wow, we made it pretty far together and no one's ever suspected us. It got to the point where if we didn't win the competitions we could end up going home. A lot of things fell our way and next thing you knew, we were sitting in the Final 3 with Derrick and I competing in the final HOH together. It was like, Wow, I couldn't believe that 96 days ago, when we linked up together, that we would make it to the Final 2.
'Big Brother 16': Cody on Finale Decision, Why He Came Up Short - Hollywood Reporter:

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